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You And I Reveal
 Standard Member

Last Visit: More than 3 months
Member Since: May 23, 2006

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7756599's Information:
Gender:   Man
Birthdate:   October 1, 1978
(45 years old)
Lives in:   Salimiyah, Kuwait, Kuwait
Height:   177-180 cm
Body Type:   Average
Smoking:   I'm a non-smoker
Drinking:   Prefer not to say
Race:   Middle Eastern
Speaks:   English
Education:   BA/BS (4 years college)
Marital Status:   Single
Occupation:   Employee
Religion:   Muslim
Have Children:   No
Want Children:   Maybe

45 year old Man in Salimiyah, Kuwait, Kuwait Looking For: Men

Profile for 7756599
I am who I am What else could I be And I'll stand where I stand I chose to be me When you look in my eyes You get what you see Understand if you can That I am who I am

My Ideal Person
I swear i won't tease you
Won't tell you no lies
I don't need no bibte
Just look in my eyes
I've waited so long baby
Now that we're friends
Every man's got his patience
And here's where mine ends

I want your sex
I want you
I want your sex

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